Friday, June 16, 2017

Chemical Laboratory Techniques

Hi again, well, you should know that I am study Pharmacy, and in this semester (the first one) I have had six subject but I'm going to talk about one in specific. As you saw in the title, the subject which I going to talk it is chemical laboratory techniques, my favorite subject, sadly, I don't have the best marks, but neither they are so bad, they are passable haha.

In this subject exist two parts. First there is a theorical class about what we will do in the laboratory lately, but all in a theoretical way (obviously), that is to say, the teacher we explain us what we must to do, some concepts related with every contents seen, like solutions, crystallization, distillation, etc.

The way that the experiment should be done, the process of it, and more. This part lasts approximately 50 minutes, and later we have the second part, the practical part, where we go to the laboratory and we do a practical about what we saw in class, but before to do it, there is a small explanation about it.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Career-related website

Welcome to everybody to my blog
I didn't know a specific website, but I was searching and I find a lot of websites, but I going to talk about the website of Ministerio de Salud, to be more exact a health topic such as medicines.

First of all, we must to know a little bit about this website. Well, it is a Chilean website that has the function of to set health policies developed in the national territory and inform people about this, this website talk about topics like drugs, health economics, food and nutrition, hazardous chemicals and more topics related with health, obviously.
The drugs are therapeutic tools used in the practice of medicine considered an essential asset in the development of the countries. In this website defines what a drug is according to an article: Product pharmaceutical or drug is any substance, natural or synthetic, or mixture thereof, that is intended for human beings for healing purposes (…) to modify the physiological systems of mental state for the benefit of the person to whom it is administered… 

Saturday, May 27, 2017

My favorite tv show

I don't know if I have favorite tv show but I like so much "American Horror Story". I started to watch it in 2013 and I did it because a friend who watched the serie, he told what it is about (drama and horror), and that called my attention.

This tv show has six seasons, but on October 4, 2016, will be released seventh season.
The season do not follow a chronology, they are different histories in each season that are not related. For example: the first season is about a family who move to L.A from Boston. The house where they arrive is haunted; all the people who died there it stay in the house forever, the third season are about witches, the fourth abut circus of freaksshow in 1952, and another topics for another season.

In all seasons, since 2011 until now works Evan Peters, Denis O’hare, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, Kathy Bates, but also there are actors who doesn’t appear in all seasons, for example Lady Gaga, Jessica Lange, Emma Roberts  and more. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Well, when a I was a little girl I used to listen Roxette, because my parents listened it and I like it, I knew some songs and my favorite songs of them it was "The look", I love that song and I still do, also I thought that the man of duo was very pretty, he was my first platonic love. At that age also I listened Aqua, because my mom and dad too listened them, I wanted to have the same style of her hair, and nowadays I have it, but in another color, she had a part of her hair red and my hair (the same part) is yellow, and obviously children's music. 

 At 7 years old I listened RBD, a Mexican band, then I start to listened music in English again, like Lady Gaga. At 12-14 years I listened music pop of the moment. At 15 years I start to listen different types of indie in English too, like Marina and the Diamonds, Charli xcx, Shura, etc. and Chilean music, like Denver, (Me llamo) Sebastián, Marineros and more. But at present I listen trap. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hi, it’s me again.

This time I'm going to talk about my favorite piece of technology. My favorite piece is the cell-phone, because I can take it with me to a everywhere and I think that the phone is very complete, because it can have music in it or I can use Spotify, if I want listen a song that a do not have in my phone, I can communicate with my family and friends by WhatsApp (a social network), also I can upload the pictures that I took, in another social network, this is Instagram. As well as in the cellphone I can call who I want when I want. I can use Internet for different things, like download apps, search information, play, etc. also the phone brings with it apps, like calculator, clock, weather and more.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Why did I choose this career?

When I was a little girl I didn't think to study Pharmacy, even I didn't know the career, I wanted to study veterinary or nutrition. I knew the career Pharmacy in high school, and in that moment I searched it and decided to study it. 
When the moment came to apply to the careers and universities I applied in this career (Pharmacy) and Chemestry, at that time I was not sure if I would be able to study this program, I asked about what would it happen if I could not get in this career, and they said I could recognize subjects (Chemistry) and then apply again to pharmacy
Until now I am happy with my decision, I liked the subject above everything courses like Chemestry and QF and his action, but also there is course that I really hate, like calculus.
In a future I would like specialize me in the area forensic.  

Who am I?

Hi, it's me, Nayareth Soria.
 I was born in Santiago, Chile, 3th on January, 1999. Actually, I'm 18 years old, I live with my mom, dad, little brother, grandmother and my dog.
 I'm studying at University, named "Universidad de Chile"studying Pharmacy.
I enjoy spend time with my friends, laugh, sing and dance together. One of my friends is studying with me at the same university, but in other career.

I like many movies, but I don't have favorite,but there are movies that like so much like "Alicia in Wonderland". I don't have book favorite, because I don't like read. My favorite food is lasagna and the pastas, also I like the salads.

The last blog

Here we go again, writing a new blog like every Wednesday, but this Wednesday is not a Wednesday like any other, this is the saddest day o...