Friday, June 16, 2017

Chemical Laboratory Techniques

Hi again, well, you should know that I am study Pharmacy, and in this semester (the first one) I have had six subject but I'm going to talk about one in specific. As you saw in the title, the subject which I going to talk it is chemical laboratory techniques, my favorite subject, sadly, I don't have the best marks, but neither they are so bad, they are passable haha.

In this subject exist two parts. First there is a theorical class about what we will do in the laboratory lately, but all in a theoretical way (obviously), that is to say, the teacher we explain us what we must to do, some concepts related with every contents seen, like solutions, crystallization, distillation, etc.

The way that the experiment should be done, the process of it, and more. This part lasts approximately 50 minutes, and later we have the second part, the practical part, where we go to the laboratory and we do a practical about what we saw in class, but before to do it, there is a small explanation about it.


  1. Haha is an irony, I like it too but my grades are not good :(

  2. I like that subject too, but the theorical class are a little boring...

  3. It is my favorite subject too!! but my scores are baaaaad :(

  4. laboratory techniques are very funny I really like it

  5. It is a very interesting and funny subject, I hope you to upload your marks!

  6. Happy to hear that even though you do not have the best grades in this subject you still like it.

  7. I like this subject but my grades makes me sad :(.


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