Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Postgradues Studies

Hello everyone, well, as everyone knows at the moment, I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Chile. This university has many options for my career and the other careers to continue the studies after university studies. As options to continue studying there are postgraduate studies, Ph.D, Masters and more options and in different scopes. But not everyone can take it; there are requirements, like have a university degree, have recommendation letters and good marks.
Well, researching within graduate programs that exist in my career I am interesting in a Post title in therapeutic equivalence. This Post Tittle is about products that are pharmaceutical equivalents, I mean, pharmaceutical products containing the same dose of the same active ingredient, in the same pharmaceutical form, but which have been manufactured by different producers.

One of the reasons to do this curse is because I like the laboratories, to me is entertaining to work with Chemical reagents, as it is also for me, researching.  This curse has subjects like pharmaceutical products of biological origin, therapeutic equivalence; there are also In vivo tests and In vitro and statistical treatments on these last two.

I would like to study in a blended system, in Chile and in United States, because I would like to learn in my country because that's where I'm going to work and USA because is a country more advanced, so I would acquire greater knowledge that later could apply here.


  1. A blended system is nice since you usually can get to have certificates of completion in at least 2 Universities!

  2. But you liked the cosmetics area more, or not?

  3. It's great that you think about getting knowledge from a country with more advances than ours!

  4. I think it's a good idea to study in a blended system, maybe I'll consider it too :3

  5. A postgraduate therapeutic would be very useful for society, especially for a century as in which we find ourselves.


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