Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hello everybody! I’m Nayareth Soria again
This time I am going to talk about the kind of work I would like to have, sincerely I had never thought about this, but I would like it to be a relax job. It could be outdoors in summer/ spring to delight the nature and indoors in winter/autumn so as not to feel the cold outside; also something very important to me is the time of entry. The ideal was a work where the time of entry was at 10 AM because I hate wake up early. Hopefully, it was near of my house, I mean do not take more 30 minutes to arrive.
Work online it is a very good idea but I thinking if I work every day in my house I will get bored someday and It for that reason that I prefer work in other place.
I would not really like to have a job where I have to travel by work, but I would like to have a work where I gain money and I can give me luxuries for travel all around the world and buy me a lot of clothes.
Actually, I am study Chemistry and Pharmacy and maybe my ideal work be very different with my career but in the mind everything is possible. 


  1. It would be ideal to enter a job at 10 or 11 am

  2. It would be ideal to enter a job at 10 or 11 am

  3. I hate to wake up early too! I hope we can get a job where our quality of life improves

  4. It will be great if our futures jobs are next to our houses, I would wake up 5 minutes until the entry :D


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