Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hello, it’s me again

This time I’m going to write about my little dog, his name is Pongo, but why Pongo? Well, when I was a little girl my favourite movie was “101 Dalmatians” and the name of the father was Pongo. But his name had to change a little bit, now nobody tells it by his real name and everybody tells him Pongui, because it is nicer and tender.
I have my dog since I was six years old, I found it in the street, Pongui was abandoned and he was just a baby!!! We take him to the vet and we knew his age, six months.  Since that day he is with us and we bought everything that he needs.
We have grown together, we have 13 years together, I don’t know what I will do when he is no anymore, and to be honest I don’t like to think in that, so I do not do.
Pongui no longer plays like before, he has the energy he had, now stays more in his bed but he still loves to receive love.

I really really love him, it’s like a son for me <3 


  1. ohh you look very small in the photo!!

  2. aaaaaw, Pongui looks so cute, I'd like to see a picture of him of this year


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