Friday, April 28, 2017

Why did I choose this career?

When I was a little girl I didn't think to study Pharmacy, even I didn't know the career, I wanted to study veterinary or nutrition. I knew the career Pharmacy in high school, and in that moment I searched it and decided to study it. 
When the moment came to apply to the careers and universities I applied in this career (Pharmacy) and Chemestry, at that time I was not sure if I would be able to study this program, I asked about what would it happen if I could not get in this career, and they said I could recognize subjects (Chemistry) and then apply again to pharmacy
Until now I am happy with my decision, I liked the subject above everything courses like Chemestry and QF and his action, but also there is course that I really hate, like calculus.
In a future I would like specialize me in the area forensic.  

Who am I?

Hi, it's me, Nayareth Soria.
 I was born in Santiago, Chile, 3th on January, 1999. Actually, I'm 18 years old, I live with my mom, dad, little brother, grandmother and my dog.
 I'm studying at University, named "Universidad de Chile"studying Pharmacy.
I enjoy spend time with my friends, laugh, sing and dance together. One of my friends is studying with me at the same university, but in other career.

I like many movies, but I don't have favorite,but there are movies that like so much like "Alicia in Wonderland". I don't have book favorite, because I don't like read. My favorite food is lasagna and the pastas, also I like the salads.

The last blog

Here we go again, writing a new blog like every Wednesday, but this Wednesday is not a Wednesday like any other, this is the saddest day o...