Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hello everybody! I’m Nayareth Soria again
This time I am going to talk about the kind of work I would like to have, sincerely I had never thought about this, but I would like it to be a relax job. It could be outdoors in summer/ spring to delight the nature and indoors in winter/autumn so as not to feel the cold outside; also something very important to me is the time of entry. The ideal was a work where the time of entry was at 10 AM because I hate wake up early. Hopefully, it was near of my house, I mean do not take more 30 minutes to arrive.
Work online it is a very good idea but I thinking if I work every day in my house I will get bored someday and It for that reason that I prefer work in other place.
I would not really like to have a job where I have to travel by work, but I would like to have a work where I gain money and I can give me luxuries for travel all around the world and buy me a lot of clothes.
Actually, I am study Chemistry and Pharmacy and maybe my ideal work be very different with my career but in the mind everything is possible. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hi! it is me, Nayi, welcome to my blog again! 
This time I’m going to talk about a theme very interesting and important for some careers like it is for mine, Chemistry and Pharmacy: “the Chromatography”

The chromatography is a technique to separate different compounds from a mixture, in the case of my career analyzes the compounds of each drug. Also this technique is used for analysis of drugs in biological fluids such as blood, urine, etc., also can be used to perform quality control of manufactured chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In other careers like food engineering this method can be used to determine inorganic cations in food (like food diet low in sodium) and in urine samples.

There are numerous types of chromatography; one of them is the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This is one of the best methods to separate because is very sensibility, is stable, has a linear response in a wide range and take short time to give an answer about the mixture. But one of the disadvantages is the price, the columns are very expensive, it is for this reason that we must handle them with great care.

That's a bit of what I can tell you about this technique. This works with very small molecules
See you! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hello, it’s me again

This time I’m going to write about my little dog, his name is Pongo, but why Pongo? Well, when I was a little girl my favourite movie was “101 Dalmatians” and the name of the father was Pongo. But his name had to change a little bit, now nobody tells it by his real name and everybody tells him Pongui, because it is nicer and tender.
I have my dog since I was six years old, I found it in the street, Pongui was abandoned and he was just a baby!!! We take him to the vet and we knew his age, six months.  Since that day he is with us and we bought everything that he needs.
We have grown together, we have 13 years together, I don’t know what I will do when he is no anymore, and to be honest I don’t like to think in that, so I do not do.
Pongui no longer plays like before, he has the energy he had, now stays more in his bed but he still loves to receive love.

I really really love him, it’s like a son for me <3 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Image result for guanaqueros

Hi, everyone!! This time I will talk about my best holiday.

In this summer I went to the beach in January with my best friend and her family and in February I went to Algarrobo with a group of friends to friend's house. 
But my best holydays was with my best friend and her family. We went to Guanaqueros to camping for 11 days. Her family goes to Guanaqueros since her older sister was a girl, now she has 40 years.  
This summer went to the beach her dad, mom, older brother and her older sister with her family and the best friend of her niece. When we were there we met with a friend of high school.
The camping stays side of the beach, so we can go to swim every time we want, also at the night we four (my best friend, her niece, the best friend of her niece and me) were to the beach, the second night we met a new friend ,Felipe, we still keep in touch with him.
Every night, besides going to the beach, we were to the town to eat some delicious and tour it. At the day we sleep and some days we went to other places, like La Serena and Tongoy.
I will never forget this holidays; I have wonderful memories of every day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Egypt, a wonderful country.

When I think about where I'd like to travel, I have so many options, because I like to travel all around the world and know every country. For example some places I’d like to know are Machu Pichu, New York, Paris, Venecia, etc, but my first option always will be Egypt. 

I like this country because it has a lot of history; it’s a country full of secrets that I would like to discover. 
I would like to tour the Cairo, its capital. I think to a good time to go is spring, to avoid heat because it’s a hot city (you must remember that in Egypt is the sahara desert). The first things I would do it would be know the famous river “The Nilo”, its pyramids and sphinxes.

Image result for anubisI would like to know more about its mythology, about its gods. My favorite god is Anubis, the god of underworld; Anubis has a head of a dog.

To be honest I don’t like to live there, I would go just for vacations, I am used to the life I have in Chile.

The last blog

Here we go again, writing a new blog like every Wednesday, but this Wednesday is not a Wednesday like any other, this is the saddest day o...