Friday, June 9, 2017

Career-related website

Welcome to everybody to my blog
I didn't know a specific website, but I was searching and I find a lot of websites, but I going to talk about the website of Ministerio de Salud, to be more exact a health topic such as medicines.

First of all, we must to know a little bit about this website. Well, it is a Chilean website that has the function of to set health policies developed in the national territory and inform people about this, this website talk about topics like drugs, health economics, food and nutrition, hazardous chemicals and more topics related with health, obviously.
The drugs are therapeutic tools used in the practice of medicine considered an essential asset in the development of the countries. In this website defines what a drug is according to an article: Product pharmaceutical or drug is any substance, natural or synthetic, or mixture thereof, that is intended for human beings for healing purposes (…) to modify the physiological systems of mental state for the benefit of the person to whom it is administered… 


  1. a patriot for choose the website haha, long life to "ministerio de salud"

  2. It seeems to be a really useful website

  3. Looks like a really interesting website, maybe I should visit it.

  4. if it is chilean is good hahha

  5. i will investigate more in that website


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