Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The last blog

Here we go again, writing a new blog like every Wednesday, but this Wednesday is not a Wednesday like any other, this is the saddest day of blog because this is the last. It is so sad to say goodbye after of nine blogs, a full semester.

Like this is the last blog, it is time to talk about my experience with the English, to be honest I am super away from English, because not even I listen music in English and I don’t good to watch movies or series. I did English 3 years ago, so return to do blogs, speak and listen in English was a little difficult, like start over from scratch. But in general it is an experience nice, to read the opinion, likes, history and dreams of my classmates, and also of the teacher. It's a enjoyable way to learn, out of the ordinary and not so traditional.

Having a blog has helped me a lot, I think I have improved a bit, I can notice this when I write a new blog, in the first blogs it took me a lot of time to write. And the classes help me to the pronunciation and hearing, the difference of the accents between the American and the British.

Write post every week helped me to learn some words that I did not know, and to improve with the verbal tense, the latter was something that was very complicated for me.

It was a great semester with you, enjoy a lot to share with you.  I love you so much xoxo.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A change

Hi to everyone, It’s me again, Nayareth, like every Wednesdays with a new pots about something interesting.
Today it is time to write about changes, specifically changes I will do in my study programme and the things that is related with it.
First of all, I consider very important the infrastructure and especially the laboratories and its implements, for the career which I study, Chemistry and Pharmacy. Our faculty despite being a relatively new faculty of the university has so many things in poor condition and old, things like the inns, tongs, racks and tweezers. But I must emphasize that the glass materials are in good condition. Another thing related with the infrastructure the size of the rooms. In my career, we are many students and as we are studying the first years of study, there are not only students of my career in the rooms, but also there are of others careers, so sometimes the rooms are very small.
Another thing that I will change is the duration of the career. We all know that the careers in Chile are very long. I will reduce 1 or maybe 2 semesters.
I would also remove some subjects that are specific to my careers or I would make more field trips and more talks by professionals. This for learn more about the labor field in a closer way. Through the experience of already professionals
Well, see you the next time, ready to write about another topic. I hope you like the post!! XOXO

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

I write for the censored ones

We live in a totally polarized world, in a hierarchical world, a world that is full of minorities that are set apart in this society, underestimated and therefore silenced, discriminated against. This happens in different aspects, like cultural, ethnic, among many.
In this last time the struggle for gender differences has been very active, affecting exclusively women, the minority.
Since ancient times, women have been recognized as the weaker sex, disgusting with their participation in military service, which in its beginning admitted only man, and recently joined the female body, because there are no disabilities in him.
It seems quite incredible, since being the most intelligent species on planet earth so we can be who we want, but for women it is not like that. Unfortunately being a woman is a disadvantage, it is being exempt even from herself, as the great controversy of abortion in three causes is a consequence. Abortion in three causes allows the interruption of pregnancy for rapes, vital risk of the pregnant woman or fetal infeasibility, which I consider quite limiting because there are also unwanted pregnancies because we made some mistake, or lack of sexual education, and even this it must be carried out, because it is illegal for a woman not to want to be a mother.
Another affected group is the one of the immigrants, of the country that they come, to the country that they arrive, they are rejected. Being an immigrant is a sin, it is being a thief, it is being a social problem, a threat. But like any minority, it is only a victim; victim of abuse, blame, and comments. It is really sad to see it, but I imagine how difficult it must be to live it. The immigrant does not choose to be, it is not a pleasure, less a privilege. Minorities do not choose.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


This time I am going to write about my favorite cartoon.
One of cartoon I most like is “The Simpson”, a cartoon created by Matt Groening. This cartoon is about the typical family American; this family is composite for a marriage (Homer and Marge) with three kids: Bart, Lisa and Maggie. They live in a fictional city called Springfield in United Stated.
One thing very characteristic of this cartoon is the color of their skin; yellow.
I watch this cartoon since I have memory; I remember when I going home from school, on canal 13 was giving them, so I sit down to watch them while I ate something, like yogurt with cereal, and after that, when The Simpson finished I started doing my homework.  Unfortunately, today I can not see them as I did when I was in school. I only see them some weekend.
I think that talk about The Simpson is an entertaining conversation with friends, because this cartoon has chapters and phrases very funny and iconic. Personally, I laugh a lot when I talk about them.
Something sad is I watch them alone because in my house nobody likes them, I don’t know why, so with my family I watch another thing like movies or TV series, like “Vis a Vis” (I love so much), Stranger things and any suggestion of netflix.
I read, I think, one or two comics and I did not like it but it's because I do not like to read, I prefer movies or series.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Postgradues Studies

Hello everyone, well, as everyone knows at the moment, I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Chile. This university has many options for my career and the other careers to continue the studies after university studies. As options to continue studying there are postgraduate studies, Ph.D, Masters and more options and in different scopes. But not everyone can take it; there are requirements, like have a university degree, have recommendation letters and good marks.
Well, researching within graduate programs that exist in my career I am interesting in a Post title in therapeutic equivalence. This Post Tittle is about products that are pharmaceutical equivalents, I mean, pharmaceutical products containing the same dose of the same active ingredient, in the same pharmaceutical form, but which have been manufactured by different producers.

One of the reasons to do this curse is because I like the laboratories, to me is entertaining to work with Chemical reagents, as it is also for me, researching.  This curse has subjects like pharmaceutical products of biological origin, therapeutic equivalence; there are also In vivo tests and In vitro and statistical treatments on these last two.

I would like to study in a blended system, in Chile and in United States, because I would like to learn in my country because that's where I'm going to work and USA because is a country more advanced, so I would acquire greater knowledge that later could apply here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hello everybody! I’m Nayareth Soria again
This time I am going to talk about the kind of work I would like to have, sincerely I had never thought about this, but I would like it to be a relax job. It could be outdoors in summer/ spring to delight the nature and indoors in winter/autumn so as not to feel the cold outside; also something very important to me is the time of entry. The ideal was a work where the time of entry was at 10 AM because I hate wake up early. Hopefully, it was near of my house, I mean do not take more 30 minutes to arrive.
Work online it is a very good idea but I thinking if I work every day in my house I will get bored someday and It for that reason that I prefer work in other place.
I would not really like to have a job where I have to travel by work, but I would like to have a work where I gain money and I can give me luxuries for travel all around the world and buy me a lot of clothes.
Actually, I am study Chemistry and Pharmacy and maybe my ideal work be very different with my career but in the mind everything is possible. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hi! it is me, Nayi, welcome to my blog again! 
This time I’m going to talk about a theme very interesting and important for some careers like it is for mine, Chemistry and Pharmacy: “the Chromatography”

The chromatography is a technique to separate different compounds from a mixture, in the case of my career analyzes the compounds of each drug. Also this technique is used for analysis of drugs in biological fluids such as blood, urine, etc., also can be used to perform quality control of manufactured chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In other careers like food engineering this method can be used to determine inorganic cations in food (like food diet low in sodium) and in urine samples.

There are numerous types of chromatography; one of them is the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This is one of the best methods to separate because is very sensibility, is stable, has a linear response in a wide range and take short time to give an answer about the mixture. But one of the disadvantages is the price, the columns are very expensive, it is for this reason that we must handle them with great care.

That's a bit of what I can tell you about this technique. This works with very small molecules
See you! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hello, it’s me again

This time I’m going to write about my little dog, his name is Pongo, but why Pongo? Well, when I was a little girl my favourite movie was “101 Dalmatians” and the name of the father was Pongo. But his name had to change a little bit, now nobody tells it by his real name and everybody tells him Pongui, because it is nicer and tender.
I have my dog since I was six years old, I found it in the street, Pongui was abandoned and he was just a baby!!! We take him to the vet and we knew his age, six months.  Since that day he is with us and we bought everything that he needs.
We have grown together, we have 13 years together, I don’t know what I will do when he is no anymore, and to be honest I don’t like to think in that, so I do not do.
Pongui no longer plays like before, he has the energy he had, now stays more in his bed but he still loves to receive love.

I really really love him, it’s like a son for me <3 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Image result for guanaqueros

Hi, everyone!! This time I will talk about my best holiday.

In this summer I went to the beach in January with my best friend and her family and in February I went to Algarrobo with a group of friends to friend's house. 
But my best holydays was with my best friend and her family. We went to Guanaqueros to camping for 11 days. Her family goes to Guanaqueros since her older sister was a girl, now she has 40 years.  
This summer went to the beach her dad, mom, older brother and her older sister with her family and the best friend of her niece. When we were there we met with a friend of high school.
The camping stays side of the beach, so we can go to swim every time we want, also at the night we four (my best friend, her niece, the best friend of her niece and me) were to the beach, the second night we met a new friend ,Felipe, we still keep in touch with him.
Every night, besides going to the beach, we were to the town to eat some delicious and tour it. At the day we sleep and some days we went to other places, like La Serena and Tongoy.
I will never forget this holidays; I have wonderful memories of every day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Egypt, a wonderful country.

When I think about where I'd like to travel, I have so many options, because I like to travel all around the world and know every country. For example some places I’d like to know are Machu Pichu, New York, Paris, Venecia, etc, but my first option always will be Egypt. 

I like this country because it has a lot of history; it’s a country full of secrets that I would like to discover. 
I would like to tour the Cairo, its capital. I think to a good time to go is spring, to avoid heat because it’s a hot city (you must remember that in Egypt is the sahara desert). The first things I would do it would be know the famous river “The Nilo”, its pyramids and sphinxes.

Image result for anubisI would like to know more about its mythology, about its gods. My favorite god is Anubis, the god of underworld; Anubis has a head of a dog.

To be honest I don’t like to live there, I would go just for vacations, I am used to the life I have in Chile.

The last blog

Here we go again, writing a new blog like every Wednesday, but this Wednesday is not a Wednesday like any other, this is the saddest day o...